KoraNet is an IT Banking Application targeted at small and medium sized financial institutions. It affords these small sized companies the opportunity to deploy state of the art IT based banking solutions hitherto reserved for the big time players.
Koranet is built and maintained by BulkSMS Ghana Limited, a team of experienced engineers and Managers with considerable experience in Internet Networking, Software Engineering, Mobile Telecommunications and Banking.
Some of the features of Koranet are:
Banking modules for Deposits, Withdrawals, Loans and Investment Management.
Wide Area availability of clients' data. A client can now access his/her data/accounts/funds at any of the banks branches.
Telephony and SMS Banking: Banking services such as checking balances, transactions, making deposits and requesting for services such as cheque books, statements, etc can be made via the phone either by SMS or Voice Telephony.
Where an institution uses agents and mobile cashiers (example susu collectors), our SMS Banking Module ensures effective monitoring and control over the agents and collectors in the field through the use of SMS money collection. This provides instant update of depositors' funds to the server and acknowledgement to the depositor, fostering confidence on the part of the depositor, and better monitoring and control by management.
Koranet provides centralised and real time availability of data and reports for effective monitoring of operations spread over several branches.
KoraNet makes it easier to use Agents to expand ones network without building a branch, because of the control one has. Agents can for example take deposits on Prepaid basis. Once their credit has run out, the system will not acknowledge further deposits until what was collected previously has been accounted for.
Once a facility such as Western Union Money Transfer is installed at a branch and integrated into KoraNet, the facility becomes available throughout all the branches of the bank.
- Charges for SMS enabled services could provide extra revenue stream for the bank.